Bryan Eng

Actor | Jazz Musician

 Bryan Eng Trio | New Album


For two years,

the most common request I’ve received on the road has been to record an album so that audiences are able to take their live experience of our show home with them for continued enjoyment.  It was a request I long put off for reasons including not feeling “ready” as well as not having the financial means to put it together properly.

Over time, my heart and musicianship reached a point where it became clear that an album was imminent.  At the end our two week tour in June, I checked the balance sheet and decided that between my net income from the tour and a bit of savings, I could at long last head to the studio to capture the sound that has captivated many of you and given us the opportunity to perform for appreciative audiences around the world.


I called up my recording engineer in Chicago,

reserved two days in the studio, and we drove overnight after our final show in Cleveland back to Chicago to make it in time to be in the studio the following morning.  To say that we are passionate about this album is an understatement.  If you’ve had the opportunity to see TJ, Stephen, and myself play, you understand that what we get to do extends far beyond passion.  This music is our truest love; it’s the language that we speak most joyfully and truly.  It is our purpose and gift that we wish to continue sharing with the world until it’s no longer possible.


I’m incredibly proud to announce that we have an album. 

It’s classic yet youthful.  It’s smooth yet explosive.  It’s sophisticated yet relatable.  It’s nostalgic yet present.  Most of all, I can promise you from the depths of my heart that it is fully and undeniably authentic.  It flows directly from my heart to yours and will forever be the truest time capsule of the man I am at 24 years old.


Looking forward,

we’ve got a long and daunting independent campaign ahead to release this in a way that maximizes its reach and career bolstering potential.  Some of the forthcoming expenses include professional photo session, album artwork and design, publicity, and merchandise.


I humbly ask you

to consider pre-ordering and/or contributing to help us take this album as far as it can go.  Below, I’ve created a few rewards to offer my thanks in sincere ways that I am able.  Of course, none of the rewards can fully capture the immense gratitude that I feel to all of you who have continued to show your support whether it is at live shows, online, or through donations.  Whether you are able to contribute or not, I am grateful to have you along on this journey - this album is for you!

With love,

